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原创发布者:北检院    发布时间:2024-01-26     点击数:




废弃电池, 闪光灯, 太阳能电池板, 钥匙扣电池, 手表电池, 手机电池, 小风扇电池, 智能手环电池, 美容器电池, 烟火火柴电池, 电动牙刷电池, 电子刀电池, 数码相机电池, 电动玩具电池, 遥控器电池, 手电筒电池, 汽车电池, 电动车电池, 监控摄像头电池, 笔记本电池


颜色, 尺寸, 材料, 直径, 温度, 湿度, 电压, 电流, 频率, 压力, 表面粗糙度, 硬度, 重量, 弹性, 导电性, 导热性, 抗拉强度, 抗压强度, 耐腐蚀性, 可燃性, 符合标准


Visuall Inspection: Perform a visual inspection of the sample to identify any visible faults or anomalies. This can include looking for cracks, discoloration, or irregularities in shape or size.

Microscopic Examination: Use a microscope to examine the sample at a high magnification. This can help to identify any microstructural defects, such as grain boundaries, inclusions, or voids.

Mechanical Testing: Conduct various mechanical tests, such as tensile testing, compression testing, or hardness testing, to evaluate the sample's mechanical properties. This can help identify any weakness or failure points in the material.

Chemical Analysis: Perform a chemical analysis of the sample using techniques such as elemental analysis or spectroscopy. This can help identify any impurities or deviations from the expected composition.

Thermal Analysis: Use thermal analysis techniques, such as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) or thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), to evaluate the sample's thermal behavior. This can identify any thermal degradation or phase transitions.

Electrical Testing: Perform electrical tests, such as conductivity or resistivity measurements, to assess the sample's electrical properties. This can help detect any electrical faults or anomalies.

X-ray Diffraction (XRD): Use XRD to investigate the sample's crystallographic structure and identify any phase changes or crystal defects.

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): Utilize SEM to obtain high-resolution images of the sample's surface and analyze its morphology, topography, and elemental composition.

Ultrasonic Testing: Apply ultrasonic waves to the sample and analyze the reflected signals to detect any internal defects, such as cracks or delamination.

Gas Chromatography (GC): Use GC to separate and analyze the sample's volatile components. This can help identify any contaminants or deviations from the expected chemical composition.


故障条件在以下情况下可能发生: 1. 电源供应不稳定或中断 2. 控制信号错误或无效 3. 传感器故障或失效 4. 系统内部组件损坏或老化 5. 环境条件变化导致系统无法正常运行 6. 操作错误或误操作导致系统故障 7. 软件错误或系统崩溃 8. 过载或过热导致系统停止工作 9. 维护不当或缺乏维护导致系统故障 10. 其他外部因素干扰系统正常运行


TB/T 2992-2000:区间道口信号设备故障监测技术条件

DL/T 1350-2014:变电站故障解列装置通用技术条件

DL/T 1157-2019:配电线路故障指示器通用技术条件

DL/T 357-2019:输电线路行波故障测距装置技术条件

WJ 2436-1997:枪械故障分类

DL/T 872-2016:小电流接地系统单相接地故障选线装置技术条件

DL/T 2530.1-2022:电力电缆测试设备通用技术条件 第1部分:电缆故障定位电桥

TB/T 2615-2018:铁道信号故障-安全原则

GB/T 7829-1987:故障树分析程序

DL/T 849.2-2019:电力设备专用测试仪通用技术条件 第2部分:电缆故障定点仪

JT/T 632-2018:汽车故障电脑诊断仪

QC/T 34-1992(2005):汽车的故障模式及分类

DL/T 846.15-2021:高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第15部分:高压脉冲源电缆故障检测装置

SY/T 5247-2008:钻井井下故障处理推荐方法

DL/T 849.1-2019:电力设备专用测试仪通用技术条件 第1部分:电缆故障闪测仪

SJ 20955-2006:故障探测指示器通用规范

YD/T 2496-2013(2017):通讯安装中电磁故障缓解方法

GB/T 4888-2009:故障树名词术语和符号

CNS 11381-1-1985:可靠度词汇(有关故障之词汇)

YD/T 2496-2013:通讯安装中电磁故障缓解方法

JJF (电子) 0054-2020:故障录波分析装置校准规范

JJF (电子)0094-2023:直流接地故障查找仪校准规范

NB/T 10674-2021:直流故障电流控制器技术要求

CB 1379-2005:舰船产品可靠性试验故障分类

JJF (机械) 1042-2020:电缆故障测试仪校准规范

DL/T 2456-2021:输电电缆故障测寻技术规范

QJ 2437-1993:卫星故障模式影响和危害度分析

GB/T 41397-2022:生产过程质量控制 故障诊断

DL/T 337-2010:给煤机故障诊断及煤仓自动疏松装置

NB/T 20558-2019:核电厂故障树分析导则


实验室仪器 实验室仪器 实验室仪器 实验室仪器









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