Visual Inspection: Visual inspection of the oilfield hanging plate to check for any visible defects or abnormalities such as cracks, dents, or corrosion.
Dimensional Measurement: Use tools such as calipers or micrometers to measure the dimensions of the oilfield hanging plate to ensure it meets the specified requirements.
Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI): A non-destructive testing method used to detect surface and near-surface defects in the oilfield hanging plate by applying magnetic particles and examining for indications.
Ultrasonic Testing (UT): Utilizes high-frequency sound waves to detect internal and surface defects in the oilfield hanging plate by analyzing the echoes produced.
Dye Penetrant Inspection (DPI): A method to detect surface-breaking defects in the oilfield hanging plate by applying a colored dye penetrant that seeps into the defects and is then revealed by a developer.
Pressure Testing: Subjecting the oilfield hanging plate to a specified pressure to ensure it can withstand the intended operating conditions without failure.
Corrosion Testing: Conducting tests to evaluate the resistance of the oilfield hanging plate to corrosion under various environmental conditions.
红外分光光度计,质谱仪,原子吸收光谱仪,气相色谱仪,液相色谱仪,紫外可见分光光度计,电化学分析仪,拉曼光谱仪,核磁共振仪, X射线衍射仪, 等离子体发射光谱仪,荧光光谱仪,生物质谱仪,电感耦合等离子体质谱仪,质量分析仪,电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪,激光干涉仪,光纤光谱仪,原子荧光光谱仪,多普勒激光雷达,电感耦合等离子体质谱仪
JC/T 2173-2013:水泥预热器用陶瓷内筒挂片
JC/T 2173-2013(2017):水泥预热器用陶瓷内筒挂片
GB/T 18175-2014:水处理剂缓蚀性能的测定 旋转挂片法
CNS 11214-1985:引挂型插接器
JC/T 2356-2016:混凝土外墙挂板
QB/T 5200-2017:蒸汽挂烫机
GB/T 32839-2016:干挂石材用金属挂件
YZ/T 0105-2004:挂式邮政信箱
LY/T 2874-2017:陈列用木质挂板
GB 30862-2014:坠落防护 挂点装置
JC/T 2085-2011(2017):纤维增强水泥外墙装饰挂板
GB/T 32834-2016:干挂饰面石材
HB 8099-2002:带垫县挂卡箍
QJ 1383.24-1988:厢式车辆通用件 挂梯
JJF (石化)052-2021:漆膜流挂仪校准规范
SY/T 5595-2013:油田链条和链轮
SY/T 5523-2016:油田水分析方法
SY/T 5510-2021:油田化学常用术语
SY/T 5250-2016:油田用背罐车
CNS 7462-1981:圆顶扣件-旋入挂钮H型
GB/T 35782-2017:道路甩挂运输车辆技术条件
CB 20373-2018:舰船用铝质挂梯规范
SY/T 5267-2009:油田原油损耗的测定
JC/T 830.1-2005(2012):干挂饰面石材及其金属挂件 第1部分:干挂饰面石材
GB/T 18302-2001:国旗升挂装置基本要求
JC/T 2085-2011:纤维增强水泥外墙装饰挂板
LY/T 3139-2019:建筑墙面用实木挂板
SY/T 10011-2023:油田开发方案编制指南
QB/T 1836-1993(2017):通道式控温挂凉干燥机
HB 6628-1992:机载弹射挂弹钩通用设计准则