Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA): This method measures the weight change of the sample as it is heated, allowing for the determination of thermal stability and decomposition temperature.
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC): DSC can determine the glass transition temperature, melting point, and the heat flow in the sample as a function of temperature.
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR): FTIR can identify functional groups in the sample, providing information on the chemical composition and structure.
Cone Calorimetry Test: This method measures the heat release rate, smoke release, and other fire-related properties of the sample under controlled conditions.
Vertical Burn Test: The vertical burn test evaluates the flammability of a material by observing its burning behavior when exposed to a vertical flame.
Oxygen Index Test: This test determines the minimum concentration of oxygen in the air that will support the combustion of the sample.
Smoke Density Test: The smoke density test measures the amount of smoke produced by the sample when subjected to specific heating conditions.
Flame Spread Test: This test evaluates the spread of flame across the surface of the material to assess its fire propagation characteristics.
Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI): LOI test determines the minimum concentration of oxygen required to support combustion of a sample in a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen gas.
GB/T 40717-2021:阻燃轮胎
GB/T 17591-2006:阻燃织物
XF/T 91-2023:阻燃篷布
HG/T 4444-2012(2017):纺织染整助剂 阻燃剂 阻燃效果的测定
HG/T 4444-2012:纺织染整助剂 阻燃剂 阻燃效果的测定
XF 504-2004:阻燃装饰织物
FZ/T 73074-2023:阻燃针织服装
GB/T 12731-2014:阻燃V带
NB/SH/T 0820-2010:阻燃道路沥青
MT/T 818.14-1999:煤矿用阻燃电缆 第3单元:煤矿用阻燃通信电缆
XF 535-2005:阻燃及耐火电缆 阻燃橡皮绝缘电缆分级和要求
GB/T 29407-2012:阻燃木材及阻燃人造板生产技术规范
YD/T 1114-2015:无卤阻燃光缆
WB/T 1049-2012:阻燃木质地板
FZ/T 54086-2016(2017):阻燃涤纶牵伸丝
XF 306.1-2007:阻燃及耐火电缆塑料绝缘阻燃及耐火电缆分级和要求 第1部分;阻燃电缆
CB/T 3749-2015(2017):阻燃安全网
CB/T 3749-2015:阻燃安全网
FZ/T 52022-2012:阻燃涤纶短纤维
FZ/T 54086-2016:阻燃涤纶牵伸丝
FZ/T 52022-2012(2017):阻燃涤纶短纤维
YD/T 1114-2015(2017):无卤阻燃光缆
HG/T 4827-2015:硼酸锌阻燃剂
XF 478-2004:电缆用阻燃包带
GB/T 24983-2010:船用环保阻燃地毯
GB/T 29051-2012:道路用阻燃沥青混凝土
FZ/T 54085-2016(2017):阻燃涤纶低弹丝
FZ/T 51007-2012(2017):阻燃聚酯切片(PET)
FZ/T 54084-2016:阻燃涤纶预取向丝
SJ 2933-1988:阻燃电视高压线